Head Coach

Hey, I'm Jess!

I am a cookie loving,

sassy and sarcastic coach here to guide you from plateaued to empowered and strong in your running + lifting.

My coaching is rooted in equal parts compassion and tough love, with a focus on you as the human and getting curious about your goals and limits.

athletic woman with kettlebell
fast facts

A little more about Jess:


I wasn’t always a lover of outdoors and movement. I ran track and cross country through middle school and high school. Pudgy and plagued by sports induced asthma, I was always near the back of the pack. I ran through my late teens and early twenties as more of a catharsis; never more than a mile or two and certainly not competitively.

I started training for my first half marathon about the time the blog portion of this website began (when it was called We Run For Cupcakes) in September 2012. I ran my first full marathon 10 months after that, and a love (addiction?) was born. Many half and full marathons later, I want to share the passion of movement with you. To show you how much your mood can improve after a run, how you can achieve your goals with a little guidance and support.

You could say strength training was forcibly introduced in 2014, when stress fracture rehab involved zero running, new movement patterns and, yep, lifting. Soon heavy lifting had become an alternate form of catharsis. It wasn’t until 2017 when I realized the direct role strength training plays in better running. I watched my long runs get stronger and my average pace drop. Full disclosure, I don’t have a 6-pack, nor will I ever, but I do know the role strong muscles play in a healthy lifestyle. I won’t be the person to promote ‘6 weeks to shredded’ or ‘how to get a thigh gap.’ I will be the one to encourage curiosity and getting gritty.


  • UESCA Certified (Ultra) Run Coach
  • NSCA Certified Personal Trainer
  • Bachelors Health Science
  • Health Mindset Coach
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1
  • UESCA Performance Nutrition Cert
  • NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist

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At EverWild, 

We believe your best performance comes from getting curious about your potential and chasing it with unrestrained perseverance. We guide you, the recreational athlete, through that process, coaching you through plateaus while empowering you to uncover your own inherent worth, living fiercely in pursuit of greater strength & endurance.

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